Holy Crap!! This workout is tough! Prior to actually starting the 60-day program, you are supposed to complete the FIT TEST. Essentially it sets a baseline so that you can compare your progress throughout the program. You count the number of repetitions you can complete in one minute for each exercise (there are 8 in total). You only get one minute of rest in between. No problem, right?! Wrong!!! I was dying after the first couple of minutes! I swear I wanted to puke at the end. Luckily, I held it together so no cleanup was necessary. :)
Today I could barely walk! Almost every muscle in my body is sore. The only area that isn't sore are my arms, but that's only because I couldn't even do the Push Up Jacks (exercise #7)! I watched the first actual workout today, and it looks CRAZY! I don't think I'll be able to get through the warm-up, let alone the actual cardio workout! I guess that's what I get for ignoring the fact that you should be in relatively good shape before you start this program, lol! I have such a LONG way to go!!!
Now I just need to focus on my nutrition. I've tried to be good, but it's so hard! My goal is to make a weekly meal plan for next week. Plus, I need to buy a chic cooler to take all my healthy food with me while I'm working. If you have any idea where I can buy one, please let me know. Thanks!
OK, so for my own tracking (and accountability) purposes here are my FIT TEST results:
1. Switch Kicks: 70
I'll re-post my results at the 14-day mark. I hope to see much improvement! I did take before pics, but I'm too embarrassed to post. Maybe if I get drunk enough one night, I'll be brave enough to post them!
Oh, and if you want to watch part of the infomercial for INSANITY, click below.