" Transformation of a Junk Food Mom: March 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Am I Insane?!

I am completely INSANE!! I finally broke down and bought INSANITY last week. I had been wanting to buy it for several months now after seeing the 2 AM infomercial (I love staying up late!), but kept pushing it off because of the cost. Once I decided to commit to getting back in to shape, I thought the investment would be worth it. I was so excited to get it, I actually ordered it for overnight delivery! :) I ordered mine through amazon but you can also order from beachbody.com.

Holy Crap!! This workout is tough! Prior to actually starting the 60-day program, you are supposed to complete the FIT TEST. Essentially it sets a baseline so that you can compare your progress throughout the program. You count the number of repetitions you can complete in one minute for each exercise (there are 8 in total). You only get one minute of rest in between. No problem, right?! Wrong!!! I was dying after the first couple of minutes! I swear I wanted to puke at the end. Luckily, I held it together so no cleanup was necessary. :)

Today I could barely walk! Almost every muscle in my body is sore. The only area that isn't sore are my arms, but that's only because I couldn't even do the Push Up Jacks (exercise #7)! I watched the first actual workout today, and it looks CRAZY! I don't think I'll be able to get through the warm-up, let alone the actual cardio workout! I guess that's what I get for ignoring the fact that you should be in relatively good shape before you start this program, lol! I have such a LONG way to go!!!

Now I just need to focus on my nutrition. I've tried to be good, but it's so hard! My goal is to make a weekly meal plan for next week. Plus, I need to buy a chic cooler to take all my healthy food with me while I'm working. If you have any idea where I can buy one, please let me know. Thanks!

OK, so for my own tracking (and accountability) purposes here are my FIT TEST results:

1. Switch Kicks: 70
2. Power Jacks: 33
3. Power Knees: 50
4. Power Jumps: 15
5. Globe Jumps: 5
6. Suicide Jumps: 3
7. Push-Up Jacks: Big Fat Goose Egg!
8. Low Plank Oblique: 34 (or 72 if you count each leg separately)

I'll re-post my results at the 14-day mark. I hope to see much improvement! I did take before pics, but I'm too embarrassed to post. Maybe if I get drunk enough one night, I'll be brave enough to post them!

Oh, and if you want to watch part of the infomercial for INSANITY, click below.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Who am I and Why am I doing this?

My name is Natalie. I am a 30-something, self professed junk food addict who loves all things sweet, salty, and with too much fat. I eat fast food way more than I care to admit (ok, usually 4+ times per week). Throw out the name of a fast food restaurant, and I can tell you which number I typically order off the menu before you can blink!

Growing up, my diet consisted of Domino's, McDonald's, Popeye's, Burger King, etc. with the occasional home-cooked spaghetti, pork chops, or meatloaf. My bad eating habits continued into adulthood. I never learned to cook, so eating out on the cheap was my sole source of food. Luckily, I married a wonderful man who loves to cook! However, even with him cooking many nights during the week now, I still find myself gravitating toward fast food during lunch and snacking on junk food in the evening. In addition, I have been falling into the convenience trap of feeding my son over-processed, crap food too - frozen chicken nuggets, microwaveable mac and cheese, too many kid's meals, chips, ice cream, candy, you name it!

So, why am I starting to blog now? Really for three main purposes:

  1. To stay motivated to get back into shape and literally clean up my eating habits

  2. To set a good example for my two year-old son

  3. To document my typically average daily life that includes family, friends, and the occasional night out (I have the worst memory ever!)

I'm not sure what this blog is going to morph into, but if you happen to check it out, thanks for reading! I am going to try to post my journey into health and fitness, post "clean" recipes, and will add some miscellaneous postings as well. Now I'm off to eat my #5 from Chick-Fil-A (8 piece chicken nugget, fries, and a diet coke)... :)

Oh, and since I love bloggers that post pictures, here is one of me with my son!