" Transformation of a Junk Food Mom: June 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I Declare a Mulligan!!

I have fallen so hard off the healthy train I think there may a permanent imprint of the golden arches on my forehead!  I'm back to eating junk, and it has been well over a month since I've worked out. I can't believe I let myself revert to the "junk food mom".  Much of it had to do with stress related to work - such is the life of a sales rep.  Numbers are down, you've got to get them up.  Most of my evenings and nights entailed working, working, working and eating out.  No fun at all! 

Well, I can happily say my numbers are back up, so I'm declaring a "Do Over"!  I can't wait to get back on the healthy train.  My main goal is to tone, tone, tone.  I went swimsuit shopping a couple of weeks ago, and it was depressing with a capital D!  I went to several department stores and to Just Add Water but all of the swimsuits looked horrible on me.  I was ready to cry.  I even called my husband and told him be prepared to shell out several grand for a new set of boobs!  And I was not kidding.  I was ready to start looking for a plastic surgeon that week. 

Luckily for my husband, I made one last stop at a local outlet mall that had a Swim n' Sport.  This place was awesome!  They had several cute suits on the rack.  I think I must have taken in 10-12 suits to try on.  I prayed that one of them would work.  I was ecstatic when the first suit actually looked good on me.  I had boobs!!  Turns out several of the suits were super cute, and I spent an hour trying to figure out which one to buy.  It was a toss up between two.  Since I am horrible at making decisions, I ended up buying both!  It's amazing how much $$ such little fabric costs. I must admit they are well worth the money though.  My husband didn't want to know the final damage, but I told him it was much much less than a boob job, lol!

Here is a pic of one:

The brand is La Blanca and is really great for the not-so-well endowed ladies.  If only I looked like the model above! 

I couldn't find a pic of the second suit, but the brand is Skye and looks very similar to the one above.  I'm hoping that if I start working out this week, I can tone up and rock these suits!  We shall see....

Here's to hoping I can stay on track!!  Thanks for reading!