" Transformation of a Junk Food Mom: BodyRock.Tv 30 Day Challenge: Day 7

Friday, January 13, 2012

BodyRock.Tv 30 Day Challenge: Day 7

One week down, woohoo!!

After a night off playing Bingo, I got back to work. Day 7's workout was the Domino Workout

My Scores:

Box Jump 1/2 Burpee: 5, 5 (I spent more time trying to avoid my dog laying in my jumping path, lol)
Lunge Swing: 31, 20 (Modified - no sandbag)
3 Point Jumps R/L Knee to Elbow: 4, 5 (These were killer, had to modify to girl push-ups)
Side Leap: 20, 25 (Modified - No sandbag)
Tricep Dip Knee Tuck Dip Station: 7, 11 (Modified - utilized feet on tricep dips)
Walking Pike Push Ups: 4, 5

Food Log:

Breakfast: Diet Coke
Snack: None
Lunch: McDonald's Chicken McNuggets Meal
Snack: Handful of goldfish
Dinner: Broccoli Cheese Soup with 5 saltine crackers
Dessert: Two pieces of Dark Chocolate Nuggets

And, to make things more interesting, here are progress pics after week one...

Not a huge difference, but I have noticed a bit more definition in my arms/shoulders and abs. Just today, a co-worker asked if I had lost weight, so something must be working. Since starting the 30 Day Challenge I have been sleeping better and seem to have more energy during the day. Positive results. I know that once I get my diet in check, my progress pics should show more "progress". :)

Have a great weekend everyone!!

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